As a Christian business owner I have to ask myself how far out in front of my business card do I want to dangle my Christianity. There are a handful of questions that come to mind... Will wearing my faith on my sleeve turn a certain percentage of potential clients off? Do we care? Do I expose myself to extra criticism when we make a mistake? Which we inevitably will. Will we gain an advantage with Christian clients simply because we are like minded? Do we care? Morals and ethics aside, doesanything change during working hours as opposed to personal hours? Do we dumb it down between 9 am and 5 pm?
The questions really could go on and on but I'll stop there. The fact is that we could come up with a thousand questions and try to answer them individually but in reality we are only asking one: How "Christian" should I make my business? Here's the answer, drum roll please...... Uh, I don't know. I can't tell you that. That is between you and God. I'm not sure there's a formula.
I know a couple of business owners who have different takes on this. My good friend and mentor Mike who owns a very successful chemical application company and is as far out as he can be. From the name of the company to bible verses on their trucks, you know that this is a Christian company. He would say that over the years the his "way out in front" approach to his faith has certainly cost him customers but that God has blessed it so much it has more than made up for the loss. He would also say that his approach holds himself, his managers, and his employees accountable to a standard that is extremely high. If your going to be quoting Proverbs you better do world class work.
I also have a client that used to be a pastor and is now business consultant specializing in succession planning that doesn't nearly take that approach. He would never shy away from a conversation if one developed organically but he feels that he and his clients are best served by operating with honesty, integrity, and the highest level of client service. He feels these things will speak volumes into his client's companies as well as to them personally and if there is a time share his faith he will take it but he is mostly concerned about delivering world class service.
Here's the rub, both approaches are right and God honoring. Don't dismiss the fact that you have to get with God and figure this out for your company. There is no formula. This is a deeply personal thing God needs to speak into your heart.
Looks like there may be some face time in the near future.
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