Monday, June 11, 2012

Go Big or Go Home.... or Stay Small?

There is this misnomer that a company has to choose to either focus on large multi-service projects or strictly stick to small "one up" type of transactions. This is unfortunate because opportunity on both sides are going to present themselves and if a company is unprepared for one or the other they are going to miss out on a potentially lucrative revenue stream.

At E35 Creative we run into this on a weekly basis. We're an outsourced digital marketing company. We offer everything from graphic design to website development to brand management and social media integration. We have many companies who choose to utilize us with just one of those services because we're not in a position to turn the work down and I'm not sure I ever want to be. In fact we're in the process of starting and E35 Creative arm that builds websites in three days called That's a "one up", transaction type of business if I've ever seen one. The end goal is to gain trust so we can be their 360 degree marketing company but they have to enter into our services somewhere.

The tough thing in this day and age is to build trust with a consumer who is bombarded with companies saying "trust me". If you can open several doors to your business so your customer has many entry point options, you have a better chance of turning a potential customer into an actual customer. Then you can execute their singular project well and get a chance to sell them on some of your other services.

spokane marketing companies, spokane website designers, spokane seo

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