Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The World Has Gone Mobile. Have You?

Most of these statistics have been drawn from a study done by a think tank called mobiThinking. The numbers themselves seem staggering but if we really look around and are able to look past the mind blowing hugeness of it all, it's really not that surprising. Here's a link to the study . If you have as much nerd in you as I do, you might care to read it.

Some specifics that will come as a surprise are:
-There are 5.9 billion mobile users, 87% of the world population
-There are 1.2 billion mobile web users world wide. That number will triple in the next 2 years.
-Over 8 trillion text messages were sent in 2011. Yes that's trillion, with a "t".
-In the U.S. $240 billion was spent by consumers using their phones and mobile devices
-By 2015 consumers are expected to spend over a trillion dollars using their phones and devices.
-Today 25% of smart phone users don't use a laptop or desktop, that number will double in 2 years

Those are just a few of the staggering statistics. If your business is not set up to make money in the mobile market E:35 Creative can help. The reality is, if you're website optimized for mobile applications then you are behind. I really wanted to say that we can set you up for the future, but it is on top of us already. You might be playing catch up.... and that's ok. Not only can we help your website look better on smart phones, we can help you with how to optimize the sight so it actually makes you money in the mobile world.

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