Wednesday, May 23, 2012


There will inevitably come a time, usually early on in a young companies history that the leader or leaders will begin to doubt they did the right thing by starting a company. The questions will come flooding into their collective psyches... "Did we do the right thing by venturing out on our own?", "Wouldn't be easier to work for someone else?" "It's so much less intrusive on my life when I can simply punch the clock, and be able to turn it off at night." I know that last one isn't a question but it bangs around in my head constantly. You have to come to the answers to these questions and observations on your own.

I can promise you a few things...

1: It is absolutely, with out a doubt easier to work for somebody else. They carry the burden. You cash the paycheck. Even as a top notch engaged employee you will never feel the burden the owner does. He is responsible for providing work, company growth, making sure there's money in the bank for payroll. It rests on his shoulders.

2: Whether or not this company is the "right thing" to do can never be decided on when you are battling doubts. The doubts are temporary. They will go away eventually but they cloud our judgment so significantly we should never make a decision while experiencing them. However we should use them to redirect ourselves, or possibly even motivate ourselves. Those seeds are only valuable if we use them to move forward.

3: You will sleep better not being an owner. You will sleep better not being a leader of any kind. We don't get the luxury of turning off and on whenever it is convenient. Some people are built for it and some aren't, and that's ok. We have to decide whether or not it's worth it. The reality is most of the time the "worth" far exceeds our expectations. The late nights, the deadlines, the lean times, and the juggling act are sooooo worth it.

My advice, get a coach or mentor who's been through it. Lean on them to walk you through those times of doubt. They've certainly experienced them. It will help immensely to know that these experiences are not new and somebody has come out on the other side.

The other side is so much more radiant when we walked through the darkness.

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