Friday, February 7, 2014

To Blog Or Not To Blog That Is The Question

It shouldn't even be a question, to be honest.  According to ThinkCreative"Small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than small businesses that do not blog." While numbers usually lie, that's too big of a number to be totally wrong. What we've seen at E35 Creative is blogging went from something that those crazy artist types used to vomit their musings onto the intraweb, to being a useful tool for small business, to being a important part of the SEO puzzle, to not being an important part of the SEO puzzle, then back to being important again, to being the best way to get keyword rich content out on the web, and finally to actually being a very useful way to communicate with potential clients and customers. I know that's probably a run on sentence even with the commas. 

Yahoo for small business has compiled a bunch of statistics as to why  it's so important but I won't bore you with them all here. Just know that as digital trends are consistently in flux, often times driven by Google's algorithm changes, blogging is carving out a significant niche that looks like it's here to stay. 

Here's a few quick tips to make the blogging process easier.

1. Stick with what you know.
We do a ton of research to be able to blog for clients, it takes time, but that's one of our services. If your a plumber blog about plumbing, if your a financial advisor blog stuff that makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Regardless of what you do, you can find things to blog about.

2. Keywords matter. Make sure your content is rich with keywords. The search engine see that and it can positively affect your rankings.

3. Consistency is important. Your clients need to get used to seeing content from you. You will become the trusted authority. Also it matters for the search engines.

4. If you don't have time to blog hire somebody to do it. Over time it will pay for itself.